Thursday, February 22, 2007

Low-Drums and Guns

new Low? I had no idea, really. There were clues I suppose. Anton had mentioned to me that they were going to be playing in Cleveland soon. But they've toured before without a new album to promote.

Either way, here is Drums and Guns in all its wintry glory. Remember The Great Destroyer? This is NOT the sequel to The Great Destroyer. This is probably about as far away as Low will ever get from The Great Destroyer. However, it's nearly as good. There is some oddball mixing (i.e. everything hard-panned). But nothing too out of the ordinary for Low. What's really strange is the heavy use of sampling. Parts of the record sound a bit like they could be Low's response to "Pakt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box"... in a good way. Also, I can't help but hear the heavily processed guitar drones that swath this collection of songs and not be reminded of Alan Sparhawk's 2006 experimental release, Solo Guitar. It no doubt played an important role in shaping the atmosphere Drums and Guns. Low is consistently one of the most efficient american indie rock bands around. Creating the most amount of dramatic effect possible from the fewest sonic sources. My prediction is that Drums and Guns will end up an essential example of that legacy.

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