Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleep-Sleep's Holy Mountain

Apparently, the idea behind this record is to start it as you're rolling the joint. It's also been said that this is the greatest album Black Sabbath never wrote.


Aside from this image being PRICELESS, the tape it accompanies is hot fucking shit:

'There is a road that goes from Marrakech into the Ourika valley at the foothills of the Atlas mountains and ends at the Setti Fatma waterfalls, a small tourist attraction. There are small homes, cafes, and hotels alongside the road the whole way up, and at some point I stopped at a cafe which was next to a booth filled with tapes and cds. I tried to ask the vendor for a suggestion but there was just too much and he didn't play anything that really caught my ear. Then while I was eating and watching women who lived in the valley washing carpets in the river down from the road, this tape came blasting out of the booth. Drenched in reverb and delay and accompanying the view of clouds moving across the mountains in front of me, it was a magical sound, so I bought the tape. Later I listened to it over and over driving through the Sahara with no A/C.-awesometapesfromafrica'

According to awesome tapes, an Oudad is the creature seen on the insert. No, not the ones thoughtfully stroking their chins. The goat. And Oudaden is the plural form of Oudad. So for all intents and purposes the name of this band is 'The Goats'.


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